Hey guys! I thought it would be fun to share with y’all a week of what my husband and I eat for dinner! We absolutely love to cook and we eat at home throughout the week to save money and because we just enjoy cooking. We try to eat out only once a week on the weekends. This week I took pictures and documented all the yummy things we fixed.
I want to share with y’all the good, the bad, and the ugly lol! If a meal flops one night or I didn’t get good pictures, I still plan on sharing with y’all because I want to help you enjoy cooking and maybe make your life easier.
I do want to mention that a lot of the time Seth and I find a recipe we like and then add to it or take away with what fits us best! Seth is so awesome at this and he has a knack for what flavors and spices go best with what food. With a lot of the recipes, I may not list exact measurements and that’s because we just eyeball everything for the most part. Don’t be scared! I’ve linked all the recipes to the website where we found them and if we just made something up, I listed the ingredients! I hope this helps you with meal planning or gives you different ideas for your weekly meals!
Monday’s Dinner
- Grilled Greek chicken thighs with homemade tzatziki sauce
- Dilled tomato and cucumber salad
- Grilled squash
- Sautéed green beans, mushrooms, and red onion
Honestly this was one of the best meals we’ve made in a while! It was so refreshing and delicious, but also super simple. The flavors just really stood out in this dish and I think that’s what made it so amazing. I’ve never really had Greek food before, but I think I will be a fan from now on!
Tzatziki Sauce
- 3/4 C greek yogurt
- juice of 1/2 a lemon
- 1-2 TBSP dill
- 1/2 TBSP minced garlic
- Cavenders Greek seasoning to taste
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 TBSP olive oil
Mix it all up and then you’re ready to serve! It is so good with the chicken!
Grilled Squash
Cut squash in half and then each half into fourths. Drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic powder, Cavenders, and paprika. We grilled it for about 20 minutes! Or you can roast in the oven at 350° for 20 minutes or until tender. So yummy!
Sautéed Green Beans, Mushrooms, and Onion
- Fresh green beans (you can use frozen too)
- Fresh mushrooms, sliced
- Red onion, chopped
Wash green beans (ours were from our garden yay!) and cut off ends. Cut sliced mushrooms in half. In a sautĂ© pan, add olive oil and veggies. I seasoned mine with salt and pepper, Cavenders, garlic powder, added 1 TBSP of butter, and the juice of half a lemon. SautĂ© until tender and that’s it!
Tuesday’s Dinner
Alright guys, this meal was a winner in my book! I thought it would be weird eating taco filling out of a squash boat, but you didn’t taste the squash at all! In the recipe she uses zucchini, but we used squash because we are picking it from our garden faster than we can eat it! You can also add to or take away any ingredients you don’t like. The street corn was also amazing! I was very hesitant to try this because it isn’t something I would usually like. It had so much flavor and they all worked really well together. It was delicious! We substituted the cotija cheese with parmesan and it tasted great.

Wednesday’s Dinner
- Sesame noodles with chicken and veggies
- Cauliflower fried rice
My favorite type of cuisine to eat is Mexican food and Seth’s favorite is Asian/Chinese food. I have to admit we eat Mexican so much more than Chinese, so anytime Seth wants his favorite, I try not to whine and say anything lol! Tonight’s dinner was sooo good though. It was the best we’ve ever had, I think! We added more veggies than the recipe called for because we had a lot on hand. We added red onion, carrots, mushroom, and bell pepper.
I had never had cauliflower rice before. It was good. It was not as bad as I was expecting it to be, but it also tastes nothing like rice, so don’t go in thinking it is a good rice substitute and tastes the same. I followed the directions of the back of the bag of the cauliflower I bought.
Thursday’s Dinner
Y’all, I’m pleased to announce that tonight Seth and I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pizza, and an assortment of other foods for dinner LOL. No pictures to document, but just keeping it real over here!
Friday’s Dinner
This was such an amazing dinner! We had friends over for this meal and everyone’s plate was clean. The salmon was one of the best I’ve ever had. The sweet honey mustard and the salmon made the perfect combination. Seth is also a professional risotto maker and it is one of my most favorite things that he makes! If you have never had it, I highly suggest you try it out. It is so decadent! You can never go wrong with a green veggie wrapped in ham! You may just get your picky eaters to try it as well!
I hope you enjoyed this little recap of what we ate in a week! it’s fun to share what we fix because we love to cook. It’s something Seth and I love to do and something we can enjoy together. ❤️ Let me know in the comments if you’d like for us to keep this up every once in a while!
XOXO, Natalie Ann
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18